Join us in spreading kindness this season! Join us in spreading kindness this season!

Apple Party

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Apple Party
“I'm so excited to share our act of kindness with you this week. When I was in University, my housemates (@meredithmart@kaylalofgren) and I would always throw an apple party for our neighbors every fall. It was such a nice way to meet others in our neighborhood.

I really wanted to recreate this, since we have recently moved to a new home. So, instead of an apple party, my kids held an apple tasting stand! The kids and I went door to door handing out invitations. They helped make a sign, and prepare the dipping sauces and toppings for our apples.

We we're blessed to meet some new faces and make new friends. Plus, we enjoyed some tasty apples treats.”- @raisingourlittlesblog