Be The Sunshine

I read a quote today that said "When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine." Its such a beautiful quote, but sometimes it is much easier said than done. When chapters of life are hard, people are missing from our lives, or the everyday tasks seem daunting, being extra sunshine in someone's life seems like just another thing to check off the list. And it makes it feel like an extra hard task. We talk a lot about giving on our page, but we wanted to remind you - it's okay to receive a gift from someone else too. Maybe THEY have extra sunshine on a day that you don't. Maybe they'll notice on just the right day that you need to be given a hug. Don't forget that while we don't want to miss opportunities to give, sometimes us momma's just need a hug. Be encouraged today and know that we're praying someone comes along and fills any of your grey skies with some sunshine.