Giving Instead of Getting

@thegivingmanger has been my very favorite Christmas tradition. Judah is old enough now that he understands what’s happening and this boy has served SO MUCH. All on his own, he asks to make cookies for the neighbors, or to draw pictures for friends and family. He’s prayed for people in the middle of our bedtime routine, he’s helped me around the house, he’s obeyed without complaining. I don’t write this to say he’s done it perfectly (like he’s 3, we have tantrums all day every day because he didn’t get what he wanted) but I write it to say they are never ever too young to serve others, and they’re definitely never too young to watch YOU serve. I hope these are his best Christmas memories, giving instead of getting.” - @emilykayrichardson ❤️🎄 (we adore you)