We got the sweet privilege of sending one person “home for the holidays” and this sweet girl decided to use it to go and visit her Grandma over Christmas. What an honor to get to be part of someone’s Christmas memory. We’re so grateful..
“We talked for countless hours, looked through photos and I learned about so many family members I never knew about and heard so many awesome stories. We cried, laughed, hugged and savored our moments together. I was blessed to be able to cook and clean for her while she went to her cancer treatment on Saturday and got to meet her adorable dog Jack. I took her to a movie, in which she hasn't been to the theaters in over 20 overs. I got to meet all of her dear friends and people she volunteers with at the thrift store and it was an amazing feeling of assurance that she is well loved and taken care of by great people in her small town. So thank you sooo much again!! It was a well needed trip the both of us will never forget! ❤”- Tanesha
Home for the Holidays