Join us in spreading kindness this season! Join us in spreading kindness this season!

List of Service Ideas!

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List of Service Ideas!

One of the sweetest moments of the year is when we pull out our Giving Manger and come up with ways we can serve to give gifts back to Christ. Here are a few of our favorites from this year:

Collect cans from our neighbors for the food bank
Let someone in front of me in line
Help my sister with her homework 
Deliver dinner to someone in need
Pray for someone
Give the baby 4 licks of my ice cream
Go caroling
Write a kind note for my teacher 
Fix my brothers crazy hair
Clean out the car
Pick up trash at the beach
Smile at someone who looks sad
Make a treat and door-bell ditch to drop it off
Serve dinner to the homeless
Free hot cocoa stand

We'd love to hear some of the things your family plans to do!

And keep your #mangermoments coming! We love to see pics of your families serving. We'll be featuring them throughout December!