"... it's incredibly important to us that our children learn the significance in giving, especially in this season when the ultimate gift was given to us. we unpacked our @thegivingmanger this morning, and placed it on our coffee table for vivian to see. we explained to her what the manger was and who it was built for. being the little mama that she is, she went and grabbed her babydoll's bottle and fed baby Jesus. little did she know, this was her first act of service. #😭 you see, how the giving manger works is every time a family member serves another or shows an act of kindness, you place a piece of straw in the manger, preparing it for christmas day. this simple, yet beautiful visual will help us focus on how we can serve others. though our children are young, with each year that we set out our giving manger and read the story of how it works, it is our hope that our children will begin to understand the message of what christmas is truly about."
@whitjohns Vivian's first of many #mangermoments is a treasure!
#sharekindness #giveback