To Know That Giving Means More Than Receiving

“We received our manger in the mail and upon opening I asked my husband to sit next to us as we unwrapped it. Curiously he asked what it was, so I resumed by explaining it was a new tradition I wanted to start as a family to shift away from the idea the media portrays of Christmas. I feel that throughout the years we have lost the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate it. A couple of weeks ago I stumbled over @thegivingmanger and was in awe of the movement. So I thought to myself, our home needs it. Raising children can be hard and although Lili Belle still doesn’t understand much I felt like my husband and I needed to be reminded what Christmas is all about. My husband quickly jumped on the wagon and read the story to us. It filled me with joy to hear him say he was making a mental list of all the thing he could do to fill the manger. These are the things I want my daughter to grow up with. To know that giving means more than receiving and to be humble, kind, and a helper to others.” - @alymunoz07#mangermoments